
File Structure

Compiled and production-ready code can be found in the dist directory. The src directory contains development code. Compiled documentation is in the docs directory.

|—— dist/
|   |—— css/
|   |—— img/
|   |—— js/
|   |—— svg/
|   |—— templates/
|—— src/
|   |—— docs/
|   |   |—— _templates
|   |   |   |—— _header.html
|   |   |   |—— _footer.html
|   |   |——
|   |   |——
|   |—— js/
|   |   |—— header
|   |   |   |—— # Your feature detection and header scripts
|   |   |—— main
|   |   |   |—— # Your main scripts and JavaScript plugins
|   |—— sass/
|   |   |—— components/
|   |   |   |—— # Your Sass components (compiled in main.scss)
|   |   |—— _config.scss
|   |   |—— _mixins.scss
|   |   |—— main.scss
|   |—— static/
|   |   |—— img/
|   |   |   |—— # Your images
|   |   |—— templates/
|   |   |   |—— body.js
|   |   |   |—— footer.html
|   |   |   |—— header.js
|   |   |   |—— landing-page-trial.html
|   |   |   |—— landing-page.html
|   |   |   |—— last-minute.css
|   |   |—— # Your other non-compiling files
|   |—— svg/
|   |   |—— # Your SVG icons
|   |—— templates/
|   |   |—— _templates
|   |   |   |—— _header.html
|   |   |   |—— _footer.html
|   |   |——
|—— .gitignore
|—— gulpfile.js
|—— package.json

Working with Compiled Files

You can modify the compiled main.css stylesheet in the dist > css directory, and the compiled header.js and main.js JavaScript files in the dist > js directory.

Out-of-the-box, your Portal will create a text logo using the Portal Name that you set under Portal Settings > General in the Dashboard. You can replace it with an <img>or <svg>.

Details on how to do this are found in the Pattern Library for your Portal.

CSS Settings

Page Width
The .container class sets the width for page content. Adjust the max-width property to set the maximum width of the page.
Font Stack
The body element sets the typeface for the entire set. By default, the font stack is Helvetica Neue, Arial, and sans-serif. The two exceptions are pre and code elements, which use a monospace stack. Adjust as desired.
Typographic Scale
Sparrow uses a fluid typographic scale. You can scale the size of all site elements proportionately by adjusting the font-size property on the body element, which is set to 100% by default (and 125% on screens above 80em).
Colors (used throughout)
You can adjust the color palette by doing a find-and-replace in the main.css file for the following values:
  • Primary: #0088cc
  • Black: #272727
  • White: #ffffff
  • Dark Gray: #808080
  • Light Gray: #e5e5e5
Breakpoints (used throughout)
Extra Small: 20em
Small: 30em
Medium: 40em
Large: 60em
Extra Large: 80em

Working with the Source Files

Working with the development code in the src directory allows you to take advantage of the powerful features included in Sparrow's Gulp.js build system.


Make sure these are installed first.

Quick Start

  1. Open up package.json. Change the name, description, and author values as needed.
     "description": "Portal theme for CLIENT",
     "author": {
         "name": "YOUR NAME"
  2. In terminal, navigate into the directory.
     cd ~/path/to/sparrow
  3. Use NPM to install the required files.
     sudo npm install
  4. When it's done installing, run one of the task runners to get going:
     gulp # manually compile files
     gulp watch  # automatically compiles files and applies changes using LiveReload

Working with Sass

Sparrows's Sass files are located in src > sass. Sparrow's build system generates minified and unminified CSS files. It also includes autoprefixer, which adds vendor prefixes for you if required by the last two versions of a browser (you can configure browser support in gulpfile.js).


The _config.scss file contains variables for all of the colors, font stacks, breakpoints, and sizing used in Sparrow. It also contains settings for the grid.


The _mixins.scss file contains just a handful of mixins and functions to speed up development.

  • @include font-face() - Add the @font-face property with all required settings and fields.
  • @include strip-unit() - Remove the units (px, em, etc.) from numbers.
  • @include calc-em() - Converts pixels into ems.


The components folder contains all of the theme components: the grid, button and form styling, and so on. The main.scss file imports _config.scss, _mixins.scss, and the components for processing into a CSS file.

Mashery-specific styles (IO-Docs, Login, etc.) can be found in the _mashery-*.scss prefixed files.

Working with SVGs

SVG files placed in the src > svg directory will be optimized and compiled into the dist > svg directory.

Working with Images

Image files placed in the src > img directory will be copied as-is into the dist > img directory. While you can add image optimization processes to Gulp, I find that tools like ImageOptim and do a better job.

Working with JavaScript

Sparrow's JavaScript files are located in the src > js directory.

Files placed directly in the js folder will compile directly to dist > js as both minified and unminified files. Files placed in subdirectories will also be concatenated into a single file.

For example, detects > flexbox.js and detects > svg.js would compile into detects.js in the dist > js directory.

Working with Static Files

Files and folders placed in the src > static directory will be copied as-is into the dist directory.

GUI Source Compilers

If you would like the benefits of working with the source files, but aren't comfortable using terminal and command line code, there are a few GUIs that can help.

CodeKit is a powerful Mac-only product, and Prepos is a similar product for Windows.

These tools can't replicate all of the features of the Gulp.js build system, but they come close.

Copyright © 2017, TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved. The code is available under a BSD-type license.